Sunday Buffet

Sunday Buffet

Performed at The Improv Conspiracy in Melbourne since October 2016, Sunday Buffet is a monthly all-you-can-laugh improv feast with three tasty courses delightfully prepared by three delectable improv teams.


Dani & Dale

Dani Cripps and Dale Anderson are a close-knit pair teeming with heart and energy. Each month they’ll invite a special guest to help them on a hilarious journey of discovery and emotion. Exploring dynamic characters, fascinating relationships and all the absurdity that crops up along the way.



A brilliant ensemble cast that includes Ange Chan, Bec Thatcher, Caity Staples, Elizabeth Donald, Indiana Kiely, Megs Mitchell and Mon Reid. This is an all-female group that churns out strong and well-rounded characters with a focus on the friendships and strange interactions or events that occur in close quarters. Join them monthly for a FEMMILY vacation to an exciting location.


Yolk Yolk Yolk

A three-piece improv team that consists of friends, Ange Chan, Brendan Wan and Randy Adeva. All with similar Westernised Asian upbringings, the crux of their show is to tell grounded stories with elements of the surreal. Yolk Yolk Yolk proves that playing silly and fun is not a dishonour to the family.